This looks fascinating; certainly something to watch for in the future and to learn from as it progresses.

The Hollywood Forest Story : An EcoSocial Art Practice | Co. Carlow Ireland

Update 2021: I wrote the below post when I began my doctoral studies. My studies changed to embrace broader developments in the art and ecology field and to specifically explain long term ecological art practices. I now teach a unique ONLINE course – the Haumea Essential Ecoliteracy 7-week course – to help creatives and art professionals across the world understand the ecology emergency and what it means for the creative sector- see more here: please note, course places fill quickly, but I do maintain a waitlist. Thank you!

An ambitious initiative ‘The Anthropocene Project’opens this week involving leading thinkers, scientists and artists, from a range of disciplines coming together for an innovative two year study  10.01.2013 – 31.12.2014, curated by the House of World Cultures (Haus der Kulturen der Welt) in Berlin. This is an important, albeit overdue, initiative in that significant cross-disciplinary activity across the humanities…

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